The English Whisky Co.
The first whisky distillery in England, The English Whisky Co.'s proud goal is to produce the very finest single malt whisky.
Founded by local farmers and located within the St. George's distillery in Norfolk, next to Cambridge. This company claims to be the first registered whisky distilling company in England in more than 100 years. Whisky from the English Whisky Company is available for purchase both unpeated and peated releases.
The English Whisky Co. was founded by Andrew Nelstrop and his father James Nelstrop. James was the main contractor for the distillery. The distillery is still run by Andrew's father, James.
Whisky Type Single malt |
Working |
Brands - |
Capacity(MLPA) - |
Fermentation Time - |
Grist weight (T) - |
Malt specification - |
Mash Tun Material - |
New-Make Strength - |
Spirit Still Charge (L) - |
Spirit Still Size (L) - |
Warehousing - |
Wash Still Shape - |
Washback Size (L) - |
Washbacks - |
Yeast type - |
Condenser type - |
Filling strength - |
Heat source - |
Malt supplier - |
Mash Tun Type - |
Single Malt percentage - |
Spirit still shape - |
Stills - |
Wash still charge (L) - |
Wash Still size (L) - |
Washback type - |
Water source - |
Parent company - |
Current owner The English Whisky Co. |
Contact +44 1953 717939 |
Website: |
Address The English Whisky Co |